Bad enough he wants $17,500 but $130 to ship 31 razors??? Must be by private ninja courier.
ebay item # 251066464687
38 straight razor collection barber shop - ALL GREAT EXAMPLES, NO JUNK | eBay
Bid, retract, bid and retract, bid and retract.... :-)
I want the one that looks like a muzzle loader!
Gee, it's too bad this guy does not have a "Best Offer" button.
Some incredible looking scales on some of those.
These razors are really something extraordinary. Very beautiful and rare.
uh wow...i guess?
just a mere 450 a razor.....tis a pittance of a sum to be sure!
Nice looking scales but no real individual details. So show me the beef and I'll make my own mind up. Must say the price boggles my tiny mind though.
Having studied for 5 years the ways of Ninja Couriering I can assure you that (1) $130 barely covers the cost of the ninja costume; and (2) Sneaking around making sure no one sees you deliver the package takes days, and the hourly rate is well below standard minimum wage. I've tried to get in touch with the ninja union but cannot find them for the life of me.
So just lay off us Ninja couriers man! We're just trying to make a buck!