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Thread: First straight razor shave a success!

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Good stuff mythyk! This is exactly the type of thread I was hoping to see.

    I very recently got into this myself and had my first start to finish shave yesterday (wtg only). It went well with 3 small nicks - chin, upper lip near nose, and my left hand side law on the curve. I have a lot of sharp curves on chin and upper lip so I went in comfortable with the idea of a couple trouble areas but really loved the shave. I found I need some work building lather also which will be a nice excuse to try different brands and scents!

    This is weird but I also felt like my hair grew back quicker in the last 24 hours - I assume means I had a close enough shave where the normal growth of hair seemed like more because the shave was so close!

    ​edited to correct my terrible spelling
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV8EDD View Post
    Good stuff mythyk! This is exactly the type of thread I was hoping to see.

    I very recently got into this myself and had my first start to finish shave yesterday (wtg only). It went well with 3 small nicks - chin, upper lip near nose, and my left hand side law on the curve. I have a lot of sharp curves on chin and upper lip so I went in comfortable with the idea of a couple trouble areas but really loved the shave. I found I need some work building lather also which will be a nice excuse to try different brands and scents!

    This is weird but I also felt like my hair grew back quicker in the last 24 hours - I assume means I had a close enough shave where the normal growth of hair seemed like more because the shave was so close!

    ​edited to correct my terrible spelling
    I consider myself fortunate that I don't have to shave my chin, seems like it's more difficult to stay with the angles.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mythyk View Post
    I consider myself fortunate that I don't have to shave my chin, seems like it's more difficult to stay with the angles.
    It was that way for me, yes. I have a heavy curve between bottom lip and chin. I'll probably try to be better at easing into it (not really how I usually do things) and use the disposable for the chin cleanup at the end.


  4. #14
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    The coolest thing is how fun this actually is even when we nick ourselves! Weird. Glad to hear from you both. I'm pretty new too and ramped up quickly but I must echo that it's easy to get a little overconfident... then, whoa! Been there, did that. Usually when I'm shaving with my dominant hand.

    Personally, I only use extremely cold water after my shave. Then a nip of styptic if/when needed. The sting is punishment for not paying attention!

    Thanks for posting! Enjoy the shave!

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