wow lx.. your face is baby buttoxe smoothe!! that's something to shoot for.
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wow lx.. your face is baby buttoxe smoothe!! that's something to shoot for.
Oh man, I'm right there with you. Marlow Gaél is almost 11 months now and is starting to communicate. We're sure it's mostly English coming out of his mouth, but he hears Spanish too and we sign to him. He's starting to sign back. Personality? He's got that in spades, but he's bipolar or something. He ranges from jubilant to tyrannical, so more communication skills are eagerly awaited.
We taught our oldest basic sign language for the moment she could wave her hand, and she really got into it. She could communicate her basic needs before she was 1 year old. The transition to speech came at 18 months, and she spoke in full sentences before her second birthday.
Before her third she had mastered past, present and future tense, left / right, the colors of the rainbow, counting to 20, days of the week, ...
Sign language gave her a head start.
My youngest learned a couple of signs, but she didn't really take after her sister.
She understands spoken language well enough, but she doesn't bother trying to say words unless she really wants something.
I think sign language is great for kids, and it is a good way for kids to express themselves before they master speech.
For some reason a lot of people our age (and their parents) seemed really opposed to the idea (and don't do it because 'it's weird') despite remarking about the sign communication skills of our oldest when she was a year.
It's amazing what toddlers can already conciously tell you if you give them a means to communicate.
I'm the cat with the bndana
"Uh oh, she's going to kiss me, hope I did a good job shaving..."
Last Year in October
Moments before making work impossible and an action shot. I'm only in it for the scotch.
I just discovered this thread, so I thought I would post a funny picture of me. :D
I was just being silly....I was pretending to know karate or something!