You got 7 toes on each foot??
I only got 6.
I feel cheated.
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Hey Justin,
yeah, the polynesian blood falls to the wayside. The slant eyes kick through lol.
Funny thing, before I knew what people looked like, I put them to a face that I knew from the area thay are from. E.g. for you, I knew a guy that was from LA and put a face simular to his next to your name (quite the mistake I might add. You are far more masculine. I bet he shaves with lilly scented goo in a can instead of eau de buffalo):roflmao
Oh you must be new to the world of inbreeding ---I think I'm 5th or 6th generation ---might go all the way back to the old country. Can you hear the dueling banjos? -- and that pretty little movie we call "southern comfort'? --Ok I'm weirding myself out here so I'll stop. But come on down to Louisiana ---but don't get lost!! "Where you going city boy?" :eek::eek::eek:
Yeah -- I don't know how masculine I am but I guess I'm of the country boy, mustard greens eating, Jack Daniels drinking stock. Not quite redneck but scary close sometimes. I'm kind of a living melting pot like you Brendon ---French, German, Scotch, Welsh, and a little Choctaw Indian ( a little Asian blood if you will). I don't know who this other LA guy was but he must of been one of them fancy lilly livered city boys;).
Love that LUCY LIU !!!!!!
My goodness, you got a straight just in time my friend. :tu
Just a few days after Christmas '06, I hadn't shaved with my new Dovo by that point yet. (which is obvious by the lack of stitches and cuts and razorburn)
Heres my mug
*sigh* I hate having my picture taken but this was just prior to joining SRP.