5 Attachment(s)
Bengall Full Concave
I dont even remember where I picked this one up but its been on the resto shelf for a while. Blade was looking pretty nasty, the before pic was actually taken after a little bit of cleaning up. Blade was hand sanded up to 1500 grit. I didnt want to loose that nice etch so the blade still has a few scars.
Scales are original Bakelite I believe, nearly had a disaster when giving them a light sand and then putting them down for a few minutes, I returned to find them discoloured green. Got that sorted though, was then faced with some bent tang issues, tried a new method and successfully centered the blade. Tried out a new hone and got a wicked sharp edge on it too.
I've enjoyed this one and learnt a few new things along the way. Hope some of you guys like it.
Really nice !!!
Now tell us about the centering method you used hehehehe :)
Wow! Great job! :tu
It looks like a totally different razor..!
Nice save Grant. Etch is crisp & dark :tu
Now..., What's this new hone ,scale centering, scale discolouration fixing thing ??? :p
Looks great, the clean-up looks better than I anticipated.
Scales look fine also.
Good job!