About the only thing I'm not at a lost of words for, would be that I'm amazed how individual and creative your pieces are.
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About the only thing I'm not at a lost of words for, would be that I'm amazed how individual and creative your pieces are.
Lovely texture on that one :)
Charlie, you're my hero man. ;)
That is beautiful! Did you do something to the edge to give it that 2 color edge?
It is exactly like Paul said, I put clay on the back/spine of the razor before the heat treat step. The clay insulates the metal so that is does not achieve the same hardness as the exposed areas. I then soaked the blade in a weak acid (hot vinegar). The acid etches the hard and not so hard differently.
Great looking razor! The wood you used for those scales are awesome too. Love it.
I love your conception! Great style and taste, sort of "now and then" / "primitive and complex" / "pure and evil" mixture ;)
That's called art driven by passion!
This is a great looking razor and I love the hamon. Is there a reason more makers don't temper the edge like this? It looks fantastic!
You do realize that you are raising the bar for yourself each and every time you turn out another razor. The creativity and class you put into a razor is top notch.
Thanks for sharing...