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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #91
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    There are two CCW carriers in my house. My wife and I both have ours. I usually carry mine everywhere I go even church (that is everywhere its legal to carry). I carry a PA 63 in a 9x18 mak caliber. most of the time. It seems to fill that balance point between small and easy to carry and pack's enough punch to be adequate protection.

    Our local police dept is VERY pro 2nd amendment and pro CCW.
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  2. #92
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Question: how well does the gun need to be concealed?
    Are there official guidelines as to what does or does not comply with the first 'C' in CCW?
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  3. #93
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Question: how well does the gun need to be concealed?
    Are there official guidelines as to what does or does not comply with the first 'C' in CCW?
    Bruno, almost all states require it to be concealed. It is considered rude to have your firearm "print" under your clothing. That in itself is not illegal. But it must not be uncovered in an "open carry" situation.
    The actual law is thus:
    GC 411.171 (3)
    "Concealed Handgun" means a handgun, the presence of which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person.

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  4. #94
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Question: how well does the gun need to be concealed?
    Are there official guidelines as to what does or does not comply with the first 'C' in CCW?
    In Missouri, it must not be seen at all to be concealed, not even the telltale "bulge" beneath the jacket you are wearing.
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  5. #95
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    I usualy carry mine in an inside the waistband holster over my right hip with my shirt tail untucked. My shirttail easily covers the grip. Sometimes I use a belly band holster but now that I have put on a few pounds that one doesn't work as well anymore. I need to get back to the gym and get back in shape. If you carry a lot and know what to look for, you can spot someone else who is carrying most of the time if you study them long enough. But the average person who has never carried a gun would never pick it out.

    There are times when I am sure I print a little. Like if I have to bend way over to tied my shoe or really reach for something. But someone is going to have to be staring at my old hillbilly butt to see it. I was carrying at the last KC get together an no one noticed, not even my fellow CCW guy who was there. That's why I shaved with my shirt on.

    In short you need to have it hidden enough that its not obvious you are carrying a gun.


  6. #96
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    The law in Minnesota doesn't specify. You get a permit to carry here, not a CCW.
    Basically, if you have a permit you can do it however you want - concealed, open, whatever.

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  7. #97
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    That is one thing that is different here. Open Carry is legal in MO and you technically can carry a gun in an exposed holster. However.....

    I was discussing this with one of our local officers a few years ago. Here was his response.
    He basically agreed that it was legal to open carry but he ask me not to as a favor to them. He said what happens is some little old lady or young college kid sees a guy with a gun strapped to his hip and they call the police. The officers have to check it out if for no other reason than to make sure you are legal to own the gun. If everything is on the up and up they hand you your gun back and your on your way. But it has wasted their time your time and made a few non gun culture townsfolk uncomfortable. He ask me as a favor to them to get my CCW and pack it under my clothes.

    In rural areas its not a problem to open carry here and In Washington Co where I grew up its not uncommon to see a guy with a revolver on his belt and nobody thinks anything about it (well as long as he isn't walking to the bank). In town though, there are more people who are made nervous by that kind of behavior.


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  9. #98
    Senior Member Jimbo7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayCover View Post
    That is one thing that is different here. Open Carry is legal in MO and you technically can carry a gun in an exposed holster. However.....

    I was discussing this with one of our local officers a few years ago. Here was his response.
    He basically agreed that it was legal to open carry but he ask me not to as a favor to them. He said what happens is some little old lady or young college kid sees a guy with a gun strapped to his hip and they call the police. The officers have to check it out if for no other reason than to make sure you are legal to own the gun. If everything is on the up and up they hand you your gun back and your on your way. But it has wasted their time your time and made a few non gun culture townsfolk uncomfortable. He ask me as a favor to them to get my CCW and pack it under my clothes.

    In rural areas its not a problem to open carry here and In Washington Co where I grew up its not uncommon to see a guy with a revolver on his belt and nobody thinks anything about it (well as long as he isn't walking to the bank). In town though, there are more people who are made nervous by that kind of behavior.


    This mirrors my experience. As stated by HNSB above, Minnesota is a "permit to carry" state and thus requires no concealment. My instructor more than hinted at the fact that open carrying might be rocking the boat a bit for those uneasy about firearms. I think some people would see you as a "cowboy" at best, and probably much worse.

    I think the idea is that there's just no need to risk making people feel uncomfortable (even if it's perfectly legal). I'm still so shocked that my state allowed the carrying of firearms at all that I'm happy to take whatever steps necessary to help ensure that law doesn't change.

  10. #99
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    The one thing that I like about permit to carry is that it gives you the ability to conceal without worrying about printing or exposure. In WI I have a CCW and it is also legal to open carry. This allows me to carry at 3:30 with my shirt tucked in and a blazer without being too concerned that I might expose my gun at some point. So far, I don't think anyone has even noticed, and definitely not commented.

    I've open carried before too, and the number of people that are just oblivious to the fact that you are carrying a gun is truly amazing.

    As for my normal day-to-day routine, I carry in-the-waistband in a Crossbreed Supertuck holster - I've never had anyone notice. Except for the telltale Crossbreed clips - I can tuck my shirt in and still not have any fear of anyone noticing.

  11. #100
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhedrick View Post
    The one thing that I like about permit to carry is that it gives you the ability to conceal without worrying about printing or exposure. In WI I have a CCW and it is also legal to open carry. This allows me to carry at 3:30 with my shirt tucked in and a blazer without being too concerned that I might expose my gun at some point. So far, I don't think anyone has even noticed, and definitely not commented.

    I've open carried before too, and the number of people that are just oblivious to the fact that you are carrying a gun is truly amazing.

    As for my normal day-to-day routine, I carry in-the-waistband in a Crossbreed Supertuck holster - I've never had anyone notice. Except for the telltale Crossbreed clips - I can tuck my shirt in and still not have any fear of anyone noticing.
    I was not aware Wisconsin allowed CHL
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