A sign of the times?
I live in New Port Richey FL just north of St. Petersburg. While perusing the neighborhood monthly newsletter I came across a local barbershop advertising its services.
Right there in black and white the shop was advertising hot towel straight razor shaves. Now I'm sure they are referring to a feather rather than our beloved straights but REALLY!! Maybe they are seeing the tsunami of sentiment abandoning cartridges and returning....dare I say it..... the straight path. :roflmao
I sure hope it's a trend. I hear Lucky Tiger is making a comeback as well. :y
it'd be great if they were giving straight shaves in the back with real steel. unfortunately i think it is against the law now to give a shave with a real straight becuase of contamination, possibility of blood transfer etc etc.
so its most probably a feather. still, better then no option
I see barber shops all the time with signs on the windows claiming "Hot Towel Shave" when they either use a shavette or cartridge. This whole hot towel shave really just comes down to barber shops loosing money and them trying to find some type of new way to attract business. IMO, there are far too many mediocre barbers out there today (at least over here) who can barely give a good haircut, let alone a good shave.
I will have to track it (them?) down: Recently a coworker mentioned he enjoys going to a barber shop for a straight razor shave. It's the first in my local area which I've heard of. Hopefully more will follow.
I talked to a barber who says there is a place in Springdale AK that gives straight shaves
I get a shave from my barber with each haircut. He does use a feather but its still a great shave and relaxing. He is an old timer and was around when people would come in all the time for a shave, he said this is not the case anymore and that he does very few now (still good at it though).
There is a barber in down-town Tarpon Springs on Tarpon Ave. that gives straight razor shaves with hot towel and warm lather.
Right here in sleepy little Concord, NH, my barber gives straight shaves. I asked him to show me how to hone my razor. He got really excited about it and took over an hour with me!
Here in San Antonio the historic hotels that have barbershops do the hot towel and feather/shavette shave. We also have a AOS here but I think I would rather go to the "real" guys first.