The last time a razor slipped from your grasp or was knocked from a shelf?
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The last time a razor slipped from your grasp or was knocked from a shelf?
...yes. I tried to catch it, but luckily I missed. :D
Until now I've never dropped a razor *touching wood*. But if this would happen, I just hope that I'll have the reflex to let it fall and get out of the way... I need my fingers, toes, etc...
I've never actually dropped one. I've had other mishaps with some though.
With my 37 years of Martial Arts experience, I simply moved with those lightning fast reflexes, and phenomenal speed, and gently snatched it from midair.....
With my chopsticks !!!!!! :roflmao:roflmao:roflmao:roflmao
Yeah RIIIIIIIIight!!!!
I got the hell outta the way and lucked out :D
I was sitting down, honing near the edge of the end of the table, so I wasn't in the path of its fall. The main thing I was worried about was wrecking the edge, but it mustn't have touched the floor. It was absolutely fine.
Drop: 1 yard
Landing surface: hardwood floor.
I will never hone near the end of the table again. That way if it slips out of my hand it will onl fall 1" to the table.
Since I shave in the shower, I move!! Broken blade is bad but missing parts is worse!!!!
Shave in the shower?!?!?!? Holy Smurf! I am not *that* brave. What keeps me from even thinking about it - is knowing how slick that uberlather is and what slick / wet hands + extra sharp razor could result in....
I made an quick grab for it, and made an even quicker stop to avoid loss of finger flexor tendons. End result? Me saying SHI..... as impotently watching it hit the ground and dancing away to save toes.
Does help to wait one up! Down side is you know right off when you are going to have a bad day.
So far I've never dropped one, knock on wood
I watched as it fell. I instinctively started to grab for my precious Dubl Duck, but sanity thankfully kicked in and I jumped back to ensure the razor had plenty of room to land. The end result was just a very, very minor chip right at the bevel that I honed out on a barber hone.
Luckily no drops yet, " knocks fervently on multiple wooden surfaces", but with the name Murphy, you never know...
One fell out of my hands some time ago before or after a shave. In an instant, I automatically lifted both hands away and stepped back in one motion as if I'd practiced such an evasive maneuver a 1,000 times even though I'd never done it before, and I let that sucker FALL!!!!
We are talking shave ready straight razors here, guys!
I lucked out; as if in slow motion, since it was in an open position javelin style, it landed "DONK" dead center on the toe and fell gracefully on it's side. Not one bit of damage and not one nick or chip to the edge! Whew, that was close.
Chris L
The last time, just before starting this thread, I dropped my sharpest razor, a 13/16 singing, full hollow Marks & Co Fontana. I was picking it up from the dining room table where I'd laid it fully open and I bobbled it. I jumped back and watched the spine clang against the steel arm of a chair, it rang all the way to the carpet. No damage.:tu
The previous time I was shaving and my hands were kind of soapy. I was changing grips and it started to slip out of my hand and I tried to catch it. Oh, I caught it alright. The sight of the corner of the blade (heel?) buried in the pad of my thumb freaked me out. I convulsively dropped-threw the sollie into the sink. I watched it bounce around in there for awhile.:eek: Again, no damage ... to the razor at least.:tu
Working with knives all day in a hot kitchen, I know to jump back and pray. Almost having an 11" yanagi slide through your palm is good practice on getting the heck out of the way. If my Bismarck clanged to the floor, many tears would be shed, rather those than blood.
I like most of my razors so I hang on to them. I don't put them down until I put them away. Fortunately, I have never dropped one and would like to keep it that way!
If I'm in shaving in the shower then I'll just catch it with my *****, but if I'm by the sink I jump back because I 'ain't loosing no toes. Never mind It's early.
I haven't dropped one until now.
If so, my mind will tell to get away, but my reflexes will grab for the blade I'm affraid.
Just starting out, so I have not dropped one, but I am afraid I have a habit of trying to break the fall of things I drop with my foot. Maybe I should wear work boots when I shave...
Thankfully Ive never dropped one
/me touches wood
I am fairly clumsy, but have good reaction speed. I have dropped mine twice. The first time, I very briefly considered making a grab for it, then self-preservation kicked in & I jumped back. It landed safely on the bath mat. Second time, I jumped back, tripped on the mat & ended up in the linen basket, dignity bruised but fingers, toes & all else intact. Thank the gods:w
When I finish shaving I lay my razor on my rotation box for a couple of hours to let the moisture evaporate.
The box is on the top shelf.
One time I thought I had put away the razor, but it was lying out of sight.
I picked up the box, the razor slid away from the lid and fell towards me, half closed.
I jumped out of the way and it fell on the floor, brushin my leg.
I didn't get hurt but the edge was shot. :shrug:
Lesson learned: always check before taking that box.
I had just de-scaled a soon to be lovely 4/8th Henckels 56 swayback. In the process of putting it on a magnetic jig, Miss Henckels used my hand as a springboard. She performed a stunning double forward somersault with a half twist. Unfortunately the pool was empty and she landed on a concrete cellar floor. I was torn between cheering for the sheer artistry of the dive or kicking myself for letting her attempt it. Unfortunately words that are not fit for women & children soon followed.
The blade now looks like a rip saw. I'm not sure whether to use it to open letters or hone her down to 2/8ths for nose hair. ANY SUGGESTIONS ??
I've not dropped a straight yet, and I sure hope it never happens. I'd like to think I'd just jump away, but part of me thinks I might take a grab at it as a reflex. I hope I never have to find out what I'd do.
@ Stagehand: I say use it as a letter opener. It would be a cool convo piece. I've been tempted to post a WTB letter opener thread asking for a Zeepk or some such. Not that I'd pay more than shipping...
Thanks to everyone who voted!
I was a bit chagrined to find that almost half of you had never dropped a razor, I figured that it would be 5 or 10%.
I'm just clumsy I guess.:cry:
Relieved, and I'll keep it at that.
Second reaction was a bad word.
Welp..... I said several words that I shouldn't have, got out of the way, watched my newly honed scaleless red imp blad fall to the floor, and in slow motion watched the tip of the blade break off.... That, my good friends, was a very sad day.
I missed the poll, but I definitely stood back from the tumbling blade of death. There's a small nick in the toe which I've yet to hone out, but since it's my favourite razor I'll get that done as soon as I have a spare hour. Monday?
Can't imagine that I wouldn't be terribly upset. But my sailing days taught me the valuable lesson that things dropped or running should be watched tenderly. Saves other issues from coming to the forefront...
I learned today to look at the razor while changing hands.
While leaning in towards the mirror to check for visible stragglers, I passed the razor from right to left and felt it slip. I jerked back, looked down, and made a grab for it. Unfortunately, my finger hit the scales instead of deftly grabbing them, and I sent the razor FLYING. It hit the edge of the sink, bounced spinning off the edge of the tub (about a meter away), and rattled back and forth most of the length of the tub, ending up near the drain.
Holding my breath, I picked it up, rinsed the lather off, and held it up to the light. Not a single ding. Nothing.
Waited for my hands to stop shaking, stropped it a few times, and finished the shave. Now I might go buy a lottery ticket. :D