Hey guys,
Anyone here ever ordered a razor from the states? I'm having some problems with mine? Could it because of the customs or something?Anyone ever experienced some difficulties too?
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Hey guys,
Anyone here ever ordered a razor from the states? I'm having some problems with mine? Could it because of the customs or something?Anyone ever experienced some difficulties too?
What kind of troubles are you having? Delayed shipping? If that's the case, it usually only means that your package has been snagged by Customs and you'll be charged GST/PST +$5 processing fee. There is no restriction of razors crossing the border (I've checked). Just be patient - it can sometimes sit with Customs for over a week!
Well the package was sent last Wednesday but on USPS's website it still says that the package is in the original location and the status is still at ACCEPTANCE. There's no way it hasn't moved from that post office since then..I hate their tracking system. It's even worst than Canada Post hehe (not a good thing)
I had that as well with one of our esteemed vendors as well - they shipped right on time, but the USPS tracking still said "Acceptance" as it ended up at my door. I think it still took a few weeks though...Patience, grasshopper! :rofl2:
hehe I'm not exactly known for my patience :P Especially when it comes to our dear mail system here in Canada.
I'm just making the switch to straights so I can't wait to get my hands on that thing!
I hear 'ya! But like all things with straights...patience is not only a virtue, it's the only way not to butcher yourself! Practice with your left hand with your regular razor in the meantime, learn how to stretch properly as well...this will most definitely serve you in good stead, so when your razor does finally arrive, you'll be a good position to use it properly.
Also, watch all the videos and read the stickies...you can save yourself a huge learning curve (and your face).
Most of all though, go slowly - it really is one of those things where you have to earn a good shave through diligence and taking your time to do the prep work.
Just my $0.02
I've using a DE for about 2 months now so I think I got the prep part pretty good. I've also watched every single video on youtube and read most of the information on here and B&B.
I actually have three razors making their way to my doorstep. Hopefully I'll figure it out quick.
I've been practicing my stropping skills with a knife and a belt.
What kind of equipment do you use?
i have ordered stuff from Tony Miller, Ebay and one of the members here. they all took different amounts of time varying from 2-4 weeks. i didn't bother to track them as for me the buying part is the hardest thing, then the waiting does suck but i figure whenever it shows up it will be a great surprise for the day. this happened yesterday as another member sent me a bunch of injector blades and i was surprised to see the package sitting on my counter when i got home(i live with my grandmother so she had brought it in). i feel for ya though. when i orderd my first razor from Tony the first two weeks were torture then i kind of relaxed a bit and almost forgot about it. when it came it was great.
Patience is the key in my experience. the best part is that i know that saying this does nothing to make you feel better. :mace:
Sounds like you did your prep work! No wonder you're excited!
As for "equipment" almost too numerous to name! I use a Tony Miller 3" latigo/real linen strop. I have about 6 razors that I use regularly, with most of the major names represented. For honing I have the Norton 220/1000 combo for bevel setting, and the 4000/8000 for polishing, and a Belgian coticule for finishing. As for soaps, I pretty well use Colleen's soaps exclusively, since I find that they lather the best and provide the best slickness. I currently have the C&E best badger brush (covetting the Shavemacs!) and I vary on the aftershave, using a combination of C&E sandlewood, Dominica Bay Rum, Old Spice, and American Crew.
What do you have coming your way?
Oh, and I have a DE as well, that I use with Derby blades.
The waiting isn't what bothers me the most. What really ticks me off is that USPS and Canada Post try to make us believe that they have tracking system. Their systems are absolutely worthless. I would say that 9 times out of 10 I will get the package days before they actually update it on their website.
I have a W&B "The clean Shaver",Frederick Reynolds and a Simmons Hardware "royal Keen cutter".
Right now I use a Merkur 38C blue handle razor with the new feather blades and Lord platinum.
I have a Edwin Jagger BBB.
For Soaps and Creams I have:
The body shop (old version) cream
TOBS Avocado
Dr. Harris Lavender
Proraso Green
Kent MWF soap
Also got an unknown barber hone that I got on the BaY for $3
Sounds like you're all set then. What are you doing for a strop?
+1 with Mark!! :tu Patience is a virtue you will have to come to grips with when learning to use your new toy. I have never been one to boast of my patience. But it has paid off handsomely as I have learned the new skills of straight razor shaving.
A few thoughts for you to contemplate. As tempting as it is to just start attacking your face with the new blade, don't. Your face and psyche will thank you for it. Set up a plan and stick with it (as we say in scuba: plan your dive and dive your plan). Start with just the area between your sideburns and jawlines, and only WTG. Will it be BBS? Of course not. Your initial goal is to get comfortable with holding and manipulating the blade. You are going to have some blind spots where you hand is between your hand and your eyes in the mirror. Take some time to figure how to work around that. You will also need to figure out how to get the blade angle correct (somewhere around 30 degrees is optimal). A flatter angle is a little easier to work with at the beginning. Finish the shave with your normal razor.
As you get more comfortable shaving with the straight then you can start adding new facial areas and techniques (XG and finally ATG) to your routine. Advance at a pace that feels right to you. No one can't make that determination.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. We would like to see you learn properly without too many scars or much blood letting. Time and patience will reward you with something special...
I have two strops coming in as well. One longer Illinois style strop and a short travel size one.
Things ARE changing at the Post Office, well... at the Canadian one at least. The scanning and tracking systems is being updated but considering the size of the company and the poor choice in equipment supplier it's grinding along very slowly and with lots of bugs in the system.
As for the issue of a USPS/CPC *tracked* item..... unless you had it shipped Global Express (in which case you would have had the package by now) the tracking is not really tracking. USPS scans the package on arrival at the local PO, dumps it into the outgoing mail for Canada and that's it for them. CPC only scans it when it arrives at the final distribution point when actually sent out for delivery. If you check USPS's site, it won't update until it gets the information from CPC and that adds a day or two beyond the day of delivery. The purpose of such tracking is simply to have a record of when it was sent and when it was attempted for delivery, not to keep the customer updated on where it is... that's what Global Express (USPS) and the Purolator (CPC) products are designed to provide, and at a much higher cost.
The primary delay when it comes to US/Canada shipments lies with Customs Canada. They march to the beat of their own drum, have some port states marked for increased scrutiny and that adds to the transit time in a big way. I've noted that CA and FL can be virtual black holes as far as shipping speed goes... what takes 5 days from RI or NY can take 3+ weeks from CA. Please note as well, if you go to the USPS website and check the Priority Mail products they sell, you'll see they have NO SPEED advantage over good old First Class Parcel Post, in fact on the old website a year or two ago, it was estimated that Priority Post would take one more day than regular air mail parcel. It was confusing too as the premium Canada Post product used to be call Priority Post but they were never the same product in both countries.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suspect your razor was sent from one of the Customs flagged states, using Priority Mail, and it will arrive, but it will take a few extra days.
Kaptain "Pushing the envelope IS my job" Zero
The razor was sent from Lousiana.
Unfortunately, I have no experience with Louisiana as far as shipping goes. And it also matters what port of entry the package was shipped to. I know most stuff comes through Ontario for Manitoba but there are other smaller ports where things move faster. I'm afraid it's a matter of taking your mind off what you are expecting by doing more shopping on Ebay.:D I got so carried away, I never knew what was coming or when it would get here until I checked it off on a written list I had! :rofl2:
EVERY time I get something shipped from the states it takes about two weeks to arrive. Nuts.
This is a Canadian site. Fendrihan.com | Razors Shaving Creams Shave Brushes
:HJCool - I thought I knew just about all the Cnd sites...I've booked mark this one.
Thanks Xman!
With the possible exception of Express Mail there is no tracking on USPS mail. The number is a delivery confirmation number only. If you print labels online the post office is not required to scan them at acceptance, only delivery so many will simply show "electronic postage" purchased. For international, even if scanned at delivery it is a different postal system which may not show up on the USPS system for a long while after.
UPS has track, USPS only has delivery confirmation.