What should I get for closeup view of the razor's edge (and I don't mean the W. Somerset Maugham novel!).
Jeweler's loupe ? Max magnification needed? 200x?
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What should I get for closeup view of the razor's edge (and I don't mean the W. Somerset Maugham novel!).
Jeweler's loupe ? Max magnification needed? 200x?
hi i think you will need at least 60-100x .will be sufficient enough to do job you need. 200x i think too much.ifyou have some expensive elctronic 200x microscope that is different history.
Actually even a 20x or 40x will do. You can see the bevel, edge and the striations as well as most micro chipping that will effect your shave. I have tried the Jewelers Loupe and the little Radio Shack scopes but they make me dizzy......or dizzier than usual..........:)
Have fun,
I use a 30x jewlers loupe for hunting, very portable. I also use the Radio Shack mini microscope for honing. Can't remember the mag but I think it may be 60x at the minimum which is plenty.
I don't want to put words in his mouth and then quote him :rolleyes: but I seem to recall randydance saying that 30x is enough for him to see what he is doing with the edge and honing. Coincidently I have an old B&L stereo microscope that is 30x and I use it for examining tattooing needles and now razor I'm honing.
I thought it was enough for me but I sent a razor to a friend that I had honed and examined under the scope. It looked fine to me. He received it and told me it had some micro chips under 200x. :eek: When I sent it the razor shaved great and passed HHT and all the rest. :shrug:
So I told him one way to improve the results of his honing would be to stop using the 200x and go with the 30x. :D
I've found 20x to be all I need. But a really good 20x, you can't skimp on optics.
I have a stereomicroscope that goes from 8x to 60x and I'm perfectly happy with that range. In fact most of the time I'm on the lower half of that range. 200x images are cool to look at but not entirely practical or necessary for edge assessment.
this is what i have seen it.
when you use 30x you miss microchips.
you use 200x is too much on regular scopes.
use 60-100x is excellent. ideal.You will see everything what you need.may be more then what you need.
Now go head do what you like.