Just wanted to share this with you all...
I feel soooooo blessed some times..
YouTube - Verstoppertje
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Just wanted to share this with you all...
I feel soooooo blessed some times..
YouTube - Verstoppertje
Great fun, and very sweet! Kids that age really live in a magical world. When I come home from work my daughter runs to the sofa, lays face down and covers her eyes. It never ceases to crack me up that she thinks she's completely hidden -- after all, if she can't see me, then Daddy can't see her, right? :rofl2:
Do not be disheartened. A 3 year old would have more practise at hide & seek & so will have a higher developed skill level.
My advice is stick with it & it'll pay off. Also, next time check behind the baby gate sooner. If it worked once, the cunning sprite may try it again! :gl:
You'll treasure that video. Very cute.
I like how happy he was when you found him .
the funnyest thing is that kids this age think if they cant see you, you cant see them, ive seen kids hide right in the open with stuff pulled over there head, Thats hilarious
great video
thanks for sharing that.
I remember it only too well. Precious times. :)
Haha... it was the third time he was behind that gate... he also hid in his bed with only his pillow on his head... we had a lot of fun... it was the first time he didn't come running at me, all excited shouting "here I am"(but then in dutch of course), when I was ready counting..
Its nice to hear something in a different language, I almost knew what you were saying because Im familiar with the game, but I really like seeing the boy speak and get excited. I watched it a few times already.
You should have checked in the garbage bin, in the oven and the kitchen drawers... You could have heard him chuckle from his hiding spot. ;)
Nice to put a face to the name, by the way.
:tu on fatherhood! (is the new one born yet?)
This post brought me back to my kids at that age....22 years ago
I am smiling at the memories