"Special Recognition"
Hi Guys,
I posted this message in the Yahoo group and wanted to give the same thanks to your moderators and members here.
It seems like an appropriate time considering our 5 year anniversary
and the holidays to give a special thank you to our moderators who
have not only been an inspiration and resource to the group
thoughout our existance, but who continue to set examples of
providing personal assistance, guidance and help whenever we have
new folks come into our world and whenever we have a member in need.
As a result of the caring and genoursity shown by these folks, we
have set the stage for our entire environment in providing the best
and most reliable straight razor information available and continue
to do so. THANKS Guys!!!!
In addition, I would like to give a special Thank You to our
membership which continues to grow and foster all the good qualities
mentioned above. So many of you, particularly you guys with long
time experience who so willing share your knowledge and help our
members at every opportunity make this the group that I am most
proud to be associated with.
Let's not forget Dave Wessel and AZJoe for all their help on this wonderful site. You guys are great!
Another special Thank You to Ray at Classic Shaving who brought us
the magnificent SRP Special Edition group razors and who has been
there for us for all our shaving needs since the beginning. Thank You to the Maestro as well for letting me introduce his magnificent razors and products to the rest of the world.
You all give me much to be grateful and thankful for and I wish you
all the very best of Holiday Seasons.
Hi Lynn,
That was nice. I know that I have enjoyed belonging to the site. The help you get is excellent. They don't treat you like you are an idiot plus they are polite. I would like to thank Lynn Abrams, Joseph Lerch, John Crowley, Bill Ellis, Tony Miller, Randy Tuttle, El and Larry Konis for the help they have given me from time to time. I know that it has made straight razor shaving more enjoyable.
Bill Watkins
Here, Here!
I raise my glass to all of you. Without your careful advice I can't imagine where I'd be with my straight razor shaves right now. Probably half a lip shy or at least razed and rashing. CHEERS guys, yer the top!
My thanks to ALL who make this site what it is. To me, besides feeling like I have made a few friends, it has been an institute of knowledge. And, I've learned a lot about razors, too! LOL! :eek:
Thanks again!
I would like to add my thanks to the moderators and the web staff, Lynn and all the other old guys but also to you new guys who have participated and contributed so much to this group!:)
It has been a very pleasent experience to see this site succeed.
To all of you I wish HAPPY HOLIDAYS!:)
I'm definitely indebted to the senior members. I wouldn't have been able to get this far without their help. Thanks guys,
As am I. If it wasn't for this place I would be in Gillette purgatory still. Special Kudos to David Uthe, Lynn and Tony for helping to sort this newbie out as well as the mods and such that keep this place running
Let me also add my voice to those saying "thank you" to all of the experienced members for all the help you have given me. A special thanks goes out to Lynn for making all this possible and to Ray at Classic Shaving for all the help he has given me and for the quality products he sells. Str8 shavers rule!
What more can be said...
...that hasn't already been mentioned? This site, it's founder, moderators, and membership are simply outstanding. Quite honestly, since I found this site, I haven't been to many other "straight shaving" sites except through links here at SRP. I guess you could say that I'm limiting my horizons. I say not.
I'm a relative newbie so I've still a long way to go. However, there's only one place for me to go to the best information from the greatest membership...and that's right here at SRP! I'm indebted to everyone who has given me their advice and opinions. Your knowledge and perspectives are greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
I wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous Happy New Year.
Happy Holidays!!
Jeff Sandora