Would anyone happen to know when Puma stopped making razors/went out of business?
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Would anyone happen to know when Puma stopped making razors/went out of business?
PUMA is still alive and well, but to my knowledge, not making razors any more. Based on the variety of Pumas I've seen, I'm thinking 40's or 50's.
IIRC, they were making razors up into the 80's. The faux tortoise "High Class" razors that are so sought after have been seen in Puma cutlery catalogs from that time frame. Whether they made them continuously up until that time I have no idea. Puma is a subsidiary of Coast Cutlery now, and they no longer make razors, nor do they have any intention of doing so in the future. I emailed Coast about it several months ago. It's a shame. Nothing but junk has come from Puma since Coast bought them, in my opinion of course. At least nothing but junk is regularly imported to the U.S. They truly use to have a reputation of being one of the world's finest cutlery companies, but like so many other companies in all areas, were absorbed by another with the bottom line as their only concern.
Its my understanding that towards the end their razors were being made by Dovo.
I have one of those "High Class" razors, I think its a 6/8 too. Are they pretty decent then? It does have slight rusting which is pretty annoying as I want to polish it but dont want to get rid of the "High Class" bit on the blade. Damn.
It is indeed a fine razor. I'd get the active rust off if you can. Just be careful.
Originally Posted by max_incognito
Heribert Wacker ground Puma razors until they stopped doing it themselves and then went to work for Dovo making Puma razors, (Dovo made them for the last fifteen years or so that they were sold). This isn't to say they are a different razor. The blanks came from the same foundry and they were still ground by the same grinder - just under contract. I think this was done until the late 1980s.