It is tough getting around since my operation. But I miss being on line with you guys so I am hobbling with my crutches to my computer. If I don't make sense every now and then, it's the pain killers talking..
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It is tough getting around since my operation. But I miss being on line with you guys so I am hobbling with my crutches to my computer. If I don't make sense every now and then, it's the pain killers talking..
Wishing you a speedy recovery... get the computer on a chair next to the bed
woohoo, glad everything went fine. I wish you a speedy recovery. Now, this is the time to start wearing towel when shaving. Read carefully on the label: Don't operate heavy machinery, drive a car or shave naked.
Rich is back and on drugs? :eek: I'll never be able to catch up now :cry: Welcome back and I hope you recover quickly. I do have a shaving tip for you while you're on crutches. Get your wife to get you one of those large hanging mirrors from Wal Mart for about $10. Put it on the ground in the bathroom and put a chair in front of it. That way you won't have to stand while shaving until you recover. You will have to temporarily give up on naked shaves if you want your family to ever use that chair again, though.
Welcome back. I hope that you have
a speedy recovery....:)
if his family banishes a chair only because Rich sat on it naked several times they have some serious issues...
I'm sure his guests, however, would prefer to avoid said chair :roflmao
Seriously, you guys must have at least heard of (if not contributed your fair share to) all the weird and not so weird things people do in various places / spaces, right...
Hi Rich,
Glad you're doin' OK. Keep us posted.
Glad you are back. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I am sure that they have you doing rehab on the ankle, how is it doing, hopefully better.
Guys Thanks for the good wishes. I just shaved myself for the first time since Monday. I didn't trust myself on crutches so I sat on the bathroom floor, put my wifes makup mirror on the closed tiolet and shaved. Wow what a wierd experience but I couldn't go another day without a shave. One other new think I shaved for the first time with my pants on:roflmao .
Get well soon, man