Performance and Usability
Ok. . .Here's a dumb question, or maybe it isn't so dumb and will generate some good discussion a newbie like myself can learn from. Besides, like they say in the military, "there are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
Anyway, here it is: what is this you all speak of about shaving performance and usability? Bill Ellis even goes so far as to rate his. I actually just got one of his blades (morley and sons) with a usability rateing of 7 or 8, I don't remember wich. Obviously this is much more "usable" than my brand new Dovo Inox that I dulled out trying to hone it when I got it.
So, really, what attributes contribute to high performance marks (let's make the assumpion of all things being equal in starting with shave ready sharpness)? I've only been shaving with a straight for a few days now, and I don't really know what I'm looking for, you know what I mean?
On the other hand maybe I just shouldn't worry about it right now, as things like honing, stopping, lathering, and general shaving are enough to keep me occupied for a while.