The price of the blade....
Having collected numerous things I have noticed a couple of trends...
1) The "Vacum Cleaner" effect... Item XXX had a relatively stable price, until a guy from Belgium (I call him the "vacume cleaner") started turning up at shows, and buying every XXX he saw... the dealers raised prices at the next show... and he took them all again... so they continue to rise, and he continues to buy.... He is very active on collectors forums, and people admiring his XXX end up competing... XXX have raised from EUR80 7-8 years agao to EUR250-600 depending on the model nowdays...
2) Forums... For years I had 3 Razors... and was happy with them... I have been on this forum for a few weeks... and have 14 razors...
I buy shavers, not in the box with the label... but have the guys who have been in the game for much longer noted a trend which they can attribute to the Internet?