you guys are falling behind the curve hehe, my best hones so far are two Ozukos.
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That must have been a great time, thanks for sharing Seth.
I live part time in osaka are you aware of any shops there? for either razors or stones and strops . will be there next week for four days have meeting in kobe ya:)
Sorry shayne, I haven't been to Osaka and I am not sure of any members who live there. I am sure there will be many places but finding one will be the challenge.
Look at me with Morihei... All this time and I never knew they were just around the corner (so to speak). Happy hunting.
Yeah , Japan can be like that hidden treasures easily overlooked hidden down those narrow streets.
Thank you for your reply. :beer2:
Congrats Seth. Looks like you've found a good HAD enabler :)