Pastes VS High Grit Hones
Hi There,
I recently honed my first razor (factory Dovo).
I used a Norton 4000/8000 grit stone - And have it at a stage where I can comfortably shave. It does tug a little when going ATG around the chin area - but that's more likely to be my shaving technique than the blade itself.
This brings me to my question.
From what I've read, the popular opinion is that the next stone should be a Naniwa 12k. But what follows after that? There's the option of pastes on balsa wood, felt, leather, etc. And then there's higher grit stones (such as the Shapton 16k).
I'm looking at making a purchase from the US - and figure I might as well buy what I need so as to save on multiple shipping fees.
So - should I get a Naniwa 12k? A Shapton 16k? Diamond sprays? CrO paste? The way I see it - if the pastes are going to achieve the same as a Shapton 16k - I'd rather go for a stone. By the time one purchases the diamond sprays at over $20 each, plus a strop for each, the hone becomes more affordable.
Thanks in Advance!