Deserved! I DID check that list and it was gone. An empty spot? ;)
Seriously, some are amazing if you give them a chance.
I wish I had one back I sold. :banghead:
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It seems to me they were come-about with the advent of hard American steel?
Some are really fast.
Modine knows more than anyone about these.
Where IS Modine? :shrug:
Thanks for responding. It seems like there are a few gems among the barber hones out there.
That is great. I'm sure it was a nice surprise!
It is funny you mention that though.
I actually want to do one or two display cases like that eventually. Matching hone, razor, strop.
I don't have a genuine Swaty yet, but I do have one that actually says, "Swaty Three Line!"
Fernsler's Ruby hone.....Frictionite 00. Swaty 3-line,
Legendary stuff. Never held one.
The axe-man Norton, Who knows? I have some Americans that look just like them?
All are pricey! ;) Must be a reason?
I blame it on Barber-hone collectors! ;)
Oh! AND the Aussie Axe-Men!