Hello from Belgium
I'm a new member here. My name is Jan Lauwers, I'm a 49 year young man living in the neighborhoud of Brussels. I'm currently shaving with a DE safetyrazor, but plan to switch to straight razor shaving in the not so very far future (holiday season = gift season coming up :) ).
Hello from New Jersey USA, Jan! :)
Welcome to the SRP
Welcome from your kind neighbors from the north! (The Netherlands)
Hi and welcome. Time to start your homework. Id start by reading the library info and trolling the beginner thread as heaps of info to get you started well. Good luck.
Welcome Jan. There is a lot of useful information here on SRP that will give you a good start. Good luck!
Welcome from a more southern neighbor (Munich, DE). the reading material around here is quite a lot and Very helpful!