Thirty years since my last SRS
Hello from New Jersey. I’ve just started using a Straight Razor after a mere 30 year hiatus. Back when I was in practice there was nothing like this type of support. I just got pointers from some “Old Timers” and jumped in with both feet. You can imagine the initial results but after a while I got a fair technique down and pretty good results. The reason I stopped was the maintenance. When your edge went dull you had to go to the local knife shop for a tune-up (long since gone) and maintaining a usable blade became too much of a chore for someone with a serious lack of shaving knowledge.
Recently, my brother immersed himself in the discipline and dragged me along. Needless to say, my technique is spotty at best but coming along. With the help of this site I’m sure I will be back in the groove in no time (or a reasonable interval) armed with all the info I sorely lacked back in the day to make shaving enjoyable again.
Thanks to everyone who’s instruction has opened my eyes to how it’s done!