Saying Hello...
Hello Guys and Gals,
Just stopped in to say Hello.
My name is Emil and Im based out of Ontario, Canada.
I have been a wet shaver my entire shaving career, which lead to a brush and cream, to a brush, cream and DE Razor, which now leads me to the straight razor. Haven't tried it, haven't bought one but thought I would get my feet wet in the forums and learn as much as possible.
I swore I would stop at the DE, but a "friend' (we'll see after my first shave) talked me into it. Aside from the cool factor, it looks like you can get some great shaves.
Looking forward to it.
Other hobbies include Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, and Wine.
Welcome to the forums Emil!
Don't be too worried about another wet shaving addiction - you've already got all the cool creams and soaps...and for the blade? Just chalk it up to all the $$$ you'll save on Derby's! :hmmm:
Welcome to SRP Emil. I am also a pipe smoker and I too came from wet shaving with the DE to the straight. Having the lathering and the preparation learned is a definite advantage in cutting the learning curve.
Still there is a learning curve and the SRP Wiki beginner's guide here is a good place to start. :beer1:
Saying Hello
Hello, Emil:
Welcome to SRP, where information is available at every corner.
It seems many of us have followed the same route as you in traditional wet shaving. I was using brush and soap with a double edge razor when still living next door to Louis the 14th. The double edge eventually led to the straight razor. From time to time, especially when in a rush, I still use my double edge. I also take it along on trips as a back up just in case.
Stay well.
Hi and welcome to SRP Emil, feel free to dig in theres plenty of knowledge here to learn from,if your in the market for a Straight Razor check out the Classifieds here you may see one to start out with. Enjoy :)
Yes, Welcome to SRP. Your journey sounds similar to mine. I always used a brush and soap puck, the straight razor seemed logical, and cool....Our WIKI here is loaded with valuable information. If You have any specific questions, any of us will be glad to help you.
Hi & welcome Emil. Sounds like a logical progression. And yes ! a lot of us will vouch that some great shaves can be had with Str8's. You'll see :)
Welcome, Emil
Hope you like the straight razor as much as the rest of us do.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.