Hello from Los Angeles
Hey guys, new dude around here...I love the idea of sraight razor shaving - old-school, closer shave, therapeutic and totally badass.
I just gave myself my first sr shave last weekend and I gotta say it wasn't what I had hoped! It may be that my razors aren't sharp enough... I have two old ones, a henkels and a Wostenholm/Sheffield. I do have a good hone and strop as well. (well I don't know how good the strop is actually, it's a Illinois brand...looks old but seems solid). I think my sharpening and stropping technique is good; I was shown by the guy who sold me the hone and he really seemed to know what he was talking about... X pattern on the hone and butt end first on the strop, etc.
Anyway, out of the shower and on with the williams mug soap...got a nice thick lather. I felt with both razors that they were pulling my beard hairs more than they were cutting them... Is there an easy way to see if a razor is sharp enough to shave with? I don't quite know how to tell. I finished the shave but it kind of felt like it does when I use an older safety razor that's not as sharp as it was new...
Any thoughts or advice? Thanks!!
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=33.742752,-118.103439
Welcome to SRP Geoff. There is a steep enough curve getting into straight razor shaving w/o wondering if your razor is sharp enough to shave with and there are miles between watching someone hone and actually performing a quality job on a razor. I am speaking from experience. I learned to hone my razor while I was trying to learn how to shave with it. If I had to do it all over again I would have had my razor honed by someone with lots of experience honing razors. Just a note: honing knives is a lot different than honing a razor. I would suggest putting your hone away for a few months, get ting you razor professionally honed and work on your shaving technique. This will save you a lot of blood and frustration as well as doubts about what is causing the problems and shave irritation. There really isn't a quick and fool proof way of getting good at straight razor shaving but having as many of the variables locked down makes it a bit easier. Once you know how to shave you can bring your hone out and have at it. By this time you will know what a sharp razor and a good shave should feel like and you can work on your honing skills. Good luck and hang in there. We were all at this point when we started.
Hello and welcome some more! I second everything Joed said. I messed around with a couple of razors and some woodworking hones for about three years before I wised up and got a new, professionally honed razor. It didn't need to be new, but I didn't know at the time there were people out there who would have honed what I already had.
Anyway, with the new blade I finally got some real traction and my learning took off from there. Honing took longer to learn than shaving, and of course I'm still learning about both.
My main strop is an Illinois 127, leather and canvas.
There are some sharpness tests, but the only meaninful one (and the easiest one to interpret) is whether your blade shaves nicely. That's hard to tell when you're still working on technique, unfortunately.
I'm not a honemeister by any stretch, but I can put a nice edge on my own blades. If you want to mail me one of yours I'll make sure it's in shaving condition for you. Just cover the postage and we're good. I'm in western Colorado, so mail back and forth shouldn't take too long. PM me if you're interested.
As said above, the chances of your razors being honed adequately your first try are slim. We're not being elitist, just realistic.
But, here's something that might make you feel better. While it is difficult, and I agree more difficult learning to hone than shave, after the razor is honed to shave readiness it is not very difficult maintaining that shave readiness with a barbers hone.
Thanks guys - roughkype, thanks for the offer- pm coming your way!!
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=33.742573,-118.103234
I am
In the Los Angeles area so If u ever need shaving related advice or honing feel free to hit me up. Also there r a few of us that try to get together every month or so when work and time allows so ur more than welcome to join :)
Thanks Matt -
I may hit you up for some advice sometime...let me know if when the locals get together - id love to swing by.
What part of town are you in?
I'm over by Pasadena but closer to the 10 freeway than the 210
hell waterark your over by me somewhere im in temple city.To the OP same offer from me also shoot me a pm anytime or anybody else thats local for that matter
1 Attachment(s)
Trying to show a pic of the Sheffield with my phone here...let's see if this works...