You can roast a lot of different ways but it will smoke and set off a home smoke alarm so
do it outside or use a great exhaust fan.
The line from not roasted to roasted to burned is quite thin. I used to live
within walking distance of a good small roaster. He retired and sold his shop
so now I have to drive for freshly roasted coffee.
Friends that use the popcorn popper manage the temp with a decent thermometer.
You cannot see enough to get it right. Temp is an important tool.
I have roasted on my BBQ in a cast iron pot and am happy to allow a professional
to do it ;-) it is easier to hone a razor....
Find a source of green beans and have fun. Start with the inexpensive beans.
Fresh roasted should sometimes relax a day to outgas before it is ground so if you find
a local roaster fresh can be yesterdays. Try both ... if you can. Most will humor you
if there is no big line.
Try the different roasts but I found that half a light roast and half a dark roast of the
same bean is ideal -- my custom blend.
Some roasters (the machine) heat very evenly and the entire bean is the same from inside to out.
Home roasting and some commercial roasts are not as evenly roasted inside and will
brew differently.
I confess to liking a cone filter or an Aeropress for making my coffee.
The cone filter cleans up nicely and no grounds to clog the drain.
The aeropress makes amazing coffee considering the price. Both are
portable enough for travel.
My mom was perkolator person, the neighbor was a vacuum brew, the
crews I worked with in Arizona and Wyoming made cowboy coffee with a
bit of accidental diesel... it sure was satisfying. I think the diesel was on the cup
not in the coffee.
I drink my coffee black unless it needs help in the form of milk and sugar.
Some truck stops need help.