The Clubman and Virgin Islands Bay Rum have been a staple in den for years, love them both
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The Clubman and Virgin Islands Bay Rum have been a staple in den for years, love them both
I've used the bay rum on and off for years. It's really not bayrum but I like it. The other stuff is a different story. The typical barbershop smell is from Lilac Vegetal which I think should be banned and all users sent to a deserted island. Yes it reminds me of my days as a kid sitting in the barbershop and then they used manual clippers for haircuts and I had this thing about them and that smell brings it all back.
I don't like the Clubman, but I like the Vanilla. The bay rum has a nice scent too, but it burned to much.
I bought the Clubman about a year ago, wasn't keen when I tried it then and put it in a cupboard. Tried it again last week and really liked it, bizzare huh?
I have used it for many years and most customers seem to like it with some even specifically asking for it. There are however some who don't like it and I even have one customer who is allegeric to it.
Even after all these years of using it I still love the smell of it and I love how it feels in my hands. Pretty good stuff.
Absolutely love it! I bought a bottle of it about a month and a half ago and it is now one of my go to favorites:)
Another devotee. I've been using Pinaud Clubman for years. In fact, you've got me wishing I hadn't forgotten to put any on this morning!
I bought some the other night because of this thread and it is pretty nice.