Blade: Gillette "Trac II" twin-blade cartridge
Brush: "John Bull" — Rooney 1/1 in Super Badger
Suds: Cyril R. Salter Almond
Scent: Etro Heliotrope
Attachment 350625
Printable View
Blade: Gillette "Trac II" twin-blade cartridge
Brush: "John Bull" — Rooney 1/1 in Super Badger
Suds: Cyril R. Salter Almond
Scent: Etro Heliotrope
Attachment 350625
Dolce and Gabanna
Yesterday for Xmas day let the wife pick from a couple. Ended up being Louis Vuitton L'Immensite.
Been testing latest arrivals from a new brand. Aussie company doing clones and some originals. Jalu is the brand and I got Nirvana( Roja Dove Enigma Parfum), Sweet Fantasy(Louis Vuitton Imagination) and Skinny Dip(Louis Vuitton Afternoon Swim). Been a lot of talking about them on a Facebook group I'm part of. Seem very close with good performance.
Also got some coming from Bujairami who are another Aussie on a similar vein been talked about.
Castle Forbes 1445 ASB
Blade: Gillette "Trac II" twin-blade cartridge
Brush: Rooney 1/1 in Finest Badger
Suds: Williams "Mug Shaving Soap"
Scent: Yves Saint Laurent M7
Attachment 350653
Givenchi Gentleman
Christmas was cancelled but i treated myself
Blade: Gillette "Lady Trac II" twin-blade cartridge
Brush: "Frank" — Sterling-silver in Pure Badger
Suds: Castle Forbes 1445
Skin: Castle Forbes 1445 ASB
Scent: Castle Forbes 1445
Attachment 350688
Last night for NYE was Jalu Sweet Fantasy a Louis Vuitton Imagination clone.
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