I would like to start a Rolls Razor club.
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I would like to start a Rolls Razor club.
Hello DanE,
This is the right place to start this club. It will grow over time.
I have several of the Rolls Razor sets but have never shaved with one. I believe that one of our guys, Dresden, has used them and likes them. Also BKratchmer.
I did a search of this site for "Rolls" and it brought back many threads regarding Rolls Razors. Here is a link to the search..........
I've seen a few rolls razors at antique stores and have wondered what they're all about. Do you guys have any good links (or could explain here) how they work?
I have at least 4 maybe 5 complete Rolls Razors, very nice product/system. I"ve shaved with all buy one of them and they do give a good shave with the right face prep[just like at good razors!!]
There are a lot of them out there and a club would be nice, Rolls did more than just sell the shaving units, they had soaps. travel brush's. Ect......... it was as I understand it quite a common personel item for a gent to take traveling with him.
Great Idea!!
tinkersd of SRP!
I have several Rolls Razor sets. The best is a 7 day set. Probably the most valuable is a set of WWII aluminum bodies; one Imperial 2 and an early Vicount. Both have the very rare cork strops, both in perfect condition. One has an original 1941 razor.
My intent is to refurbish and renew various sets to the original condition and replace all the broken hones with new ones manufactured in the USA, so they can be used not just collected. I will offer them on ebay.
Quick question: how often do you hone? Have you done anything to adjust the friction clip?
Take care,
Dan Ellis
I just had my second shave with my Rolls. I am loving it. Both times now I used my Clubman Pinuad after and no burn at all.
The Rolls in a Viscount and came with the hone intact and a cork strop.
How can put a date on this model? Serial number on the side of the case possibly?
As the instructions say with the kits, keep the blade "Almost" parallel to the face and go LIGHTLY across the beard, works for me!!!
Over the past week I've fallen in love with my Rolls, by far my favorite razor so far! I'm up to 3 completes and 1 case. 2 model 2's and a model 2a. +1 to the question about dating these things, anyone know how to go about it?
I've got a half dozen. Great shavers. I've given a couple away, to boot - they are an interesting introduction to traditional shaving.