3 Attachment(s)
Photos of my Dads Razors, help with history?
Attachment 155900Attachment 155893Attachment 155898Attachment 155899Attachment 155895Attachment 155896When we lost my dad in 77 I inherited a box of his pried items that he specified were mine. The box included his colection from his WWII years of his zippos, his Ronson unit lighter, (that I need to fix), and his razors. Of those I have 2 which have the boxes, both "Simmons Hardware Co. St. Louis Mo. Fully warrented". One is an "Empire, A.F. Shapleigh Hardware CO. Made in Germany. #2 is a LEES WarrentedLee Mfg. Co. Chicago, Both of these apear to have Ivory Scales. The last is a Made in the U.S.A. Case Temperite Trade Mark 20. Its scales are missing and I am making new ones from either Mesquite Burl or Osage Orange Burl. Any information on any of them would be appriciated.
Anyone having information on my razors, posible values and histories, pos. dates, I would greatly enjoy hearing from you.
Think I have tied up your time enough, look forward to visiting when I can, and if any would like to chat off forum, drop me a note at jimi at hdc-nm dito com or PM me.