Wow, very nice set considering the age. I'm glad things like that get saved for future generations, I just wish they were mine! ;)
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Wow, very nice set considering the age. I'm glad things like that get saved for future generations, I just wish they were mine! ;)
Beautiful set!
I wouldn't waste much time. Clean them, hone them and start using them!
Congratulations and enjoy!
Pete <:-}
Zak - yes, our very own Voidmonster, very knowledgeable among many here about the provenance of razors and their makers.
Beautiful set, my soul burns with RAD at the sight of them....if the scales had of been tortoise, I may have actually blacked out with the RAD, stunning set, congratulations on a great find.
Very nice !
Do they have a kamisori like grind? Or are they microtome razors?
@Phrank that made me laugh hard, maybe I should have started the thread with a "CAUTION: Not for the fainthearted". I totally get the feeling, I too experience the same RAD attacks, when I see some of yours.. but of course, this wasn't the purpose of the thread.
I felt they deserve a place here and needed to be documented. Yes, I will clean them up and hone at least one for @RASSO, but I am not yet sure whether I will regularly be using my piece, or it will just sit, well preserved. Maybe I decide to rejoin them at some point, because they simply belong together. They WILL part soon, one going to Montenegro, one staying with me, but I feel they should never be too far apart. Well, as long Rasho and I each keep our own piece, it will be fine.
The grind is symmetrical on these:
Nothing beats the feeling of using an old razor like that, in such beautiful condition!
A very beautiful set for sure.