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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Where do you post Kudos for a stand up vendor?

    At the peak of my interest in learning to hone, I wanted to get my hands on any blade I could afford - for the sake of practice. I don't do Ebay, so that's pretty limiting.

    Long Story short, ran into a Barber supply shop in Beaverton, OR (just west of Portland for those not in the Pacific North Wet.

    Beaverton Barber Supply
    12490 Sw 1st St
    Beaverton, OR 97005-0547

    Mark Rickard

    I bought what looked like a low end nameless soligen for $40. Yes, that's dubious, but affordable practice. I was impressed with the shop because Mark means business about doing old time Barbering well. He's knowledgable about the history, collects and restores Barber Shop equipment - some of it really impressive.

    I got the blade home, and in a short time, it was clear the blade was bowed heavily. I took it back, and Mark stood behind his product, replacing it with one I inspected and could tell it was at least symetrical.

    Mainly want to sing Mark's praises for being a stand-up guy that I will buy from again. 'Want any users in the Portland, OR area to know.

    His supply is limited, but has in stock, Omega brushes, Chicago strops, Pinaud AS, and a most items a beginner and in the case of strops & brushes, gear that an experienced user could appreciate. I've not yet had a shave yet from Mark, but likely will.

    If you're in the Portland area, He's worth checking out and supporting.

  2. #2
    Senior Member LawsonStone's Avatar
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    Actually, there is no such thing as a "low end nameless Solingen." Yes, there are nameless Solingens, but if they are "vintage" they are not low-end! I have several "orphan" Solingens, and they shave just like my Engels or Dubl Ducks. On eBay, I actually often search on "Solingen" and "NOS" because if it's an old Solingen and in great shape, it doesn't matter what other name is on it.

    For example, see the pics below:
    Attached Images Attached Images   

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to LawsonStone For This Useful Post:

    markevens (11-15-2010)

  4. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Yea, what kind of razor(s)?

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