That strop Tom..... :bow:bow:bowQuote:
~7/8 Hess 44 RP~
~Hess 100 Clydesdale Shell~
~George Weyer 2-band~
~Razorock Essential Oil of Lime (I like it too!)~
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That strop Tom..... :bow:bow:bowQuote:
~7/8 Hess 44 RP~
~Hess 100 Clydesdale Shell~
~George Weyer 2-band~
~Razorock Essential Oil of Lime (I like it too!)~
Where's all the NOS strops at!!!!??? I want one!!!!! :(
Did you plant today Tom, or is Miracle Grow an uber lather ingredient?
Uh oh, keep it down to a dull roar here guys, or Max will show up. :D
Monday 10 April 2017
Dorko 401 7/8"
G5|AOS Badger|Proraso|Seiki 13/16|Proraso AS|T&H LimesAttachment 261539
Have a Great Monday Gents!
Razor: Blackbird
Blade: Gillette "yellow"
Brush: Geoff Anderson/shavemac 24mm two-band silvertip
Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
Cream: Baum.Be
Balm: Institute Karite
Finish: Dior for Men
Attachment 261540
SOTD April 10, 2017
Pre: Proraso preshave cream
Razor: no-name
Brush: Semogue
Soap: B&M Seville
Post: With Hazel / Jack Black Post Shave Cooling Gel
This morning I used my no-name razor. Two passes for another great shave.
Attachment 261541