Nothing nearly as fancy as the others, but...
Strop - Vintage Blades 2'' Black Latigo (with the webbing)
Cream - C.O. Bigelow
Brush - an unmentionable relic left over from when I was a teenager (a disgraceful old paint brush-esque thing from a drugstore. When it's drying it takes on the posture of decrepid old man waiting in the rain for the bus. I'm looking forward to my first real brush)
Razor - Wostenholm Pipe 5/8 round
Aftershave - cold water does the trick and my wife likes the Bigelow smell
I have a really small arsenal, so most days are just like this. I did try the TOBS Rose and while it was a little easier on the skin, I'm not sure I was into the smell. I told my wife she can also feel free to use it on her legs!