Prep: 6 Kilometer Run :)
Dovo 'Perlex' #98 | D.R. Harris | Kent BLK-2
Soundtrack | Hélène Grimaud: Beethoven's Piano Concerto #5
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Prep: 6 Kilometer Run :)
Dovo 'Perlex' #98 | D.R. Harris | Kent BLK-2
Soundtrack | Hélène Grimaud: Beethoven's Piano Concerto #5
Razor: 6/8 Wacker
Soap: Charismata Cream Soap
Brush: Shavemac 436
Aftershave: Alum Block / Santa Maria Novella Colonia Russa
Great pics gentlemen!!
Razor: Dovo Desert Ironwood 5/8
Brush: Shavemac - Custom with horn handle and D01 hair
Soap: Trumper Violet
A/S: TSD Subzero splash
Edt: Diptyque Philosykos
Sunday 13:00 BBS
Maximilian Dubl Duck Goldedge | Woodstocknsticks Silvertip | Martin de Candre | Alt-Innsbruck
Dovo Renaissance
Pure Badger Brush
Santa Maria Novella
DB Scuttle
Witch Hazel
Speick shave balm
Attachment 43651
Sunday Night
Basler Stainless Steel 5/8 Straight to start
Gillette slim twist with a Super Iridium blade to clean up
Vulfix 2235 brush and Erasmic Shavebowl soap
Witch Hazel
Boots Freshwood ASB
Aquatonic AS
The straight shave improved, just! I need to keep on practising, its still early days but it would be fair to say that I never expected the learning curve to be so steep. I think I need to work more on the skin stretching and blade angle and well everything really! But I got my Tae Kwon Do Black Belt today and perseverance is one of the tennants of TKD so I shall get there in the end.
The vintage Gillette finished things up well and a very close shave was achieved. However, the alum rub highlighted that, between the straight and the DE shave, I had been a little heavy handed so I went for a splash of witch hazel and the trusty Boots ASB before the Aquatonic AS. As a result, only mild irritation.
PREP: hot shower with face scrub and hot towel
RAZOR: C-MON in C-MON royal scales
BRUSH: custom nib
ASTRINGENT: thayer's lemon
ASB: nivea sensitive
EDT: azzaro's "chrome"
RESULT: awesome edge on this blade and feel very smooth and BBS!
Photobooth Shave
Prep~splashed cold water from a bottle of Aquafina + a quick rub with a stick of Palmolive Classic a good soap for the Florida hot and muggy weather.
Vulfix hogs hair brush the Strand a chubby brush ideal for soaps mounted on a red neck brush holder.
Dovo Best Quality 6/8 rnd pnt.
Aqua Velva Ice Blue
One pass shave as the line was getting longer and the tempers short.