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Thread: first DE razor

  1. #21
    Senior Member matloffm's Avatar
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    Every razor and blade combination is unique. An aggressive blade in a mild razor is a completely different experience than the same blade in an aggressive razor. Further, it could be a different experience for each individual razor in a group of aggressive razors. You might as well try the 39C with a random selection because you cannot predict how a combination will shave you before hand. As I tried to say above, all my assumptions about razor and blade selection went out the window after I tried an OC razor.

    I learned through trial and error the kinds of razors that will work for me and those that won't no matter what I do. With my face (lots of bumps and scar tissue) I cannot get a comfortable shave with any razor the has a big gap between the blade and the bottom plate, be it OC or safety bar in design. I don't have to try an R41 to know I will have a terrible experience. It is also the reason using a straight is so difficult for me, as I have very little level skin to shave on my neck and around my mouth.

    You have to learn what works for you. What others are enthusiastic about should only be taken as a very rough guide. The most derided razor and blade may be perfect for you. If you have smooth skin on your face and neck you will have a much wider range of possible combinations to try, if not, your choices will be more restricted. Study how your bear grows, how tuff the beard is, how does it respond to your pre-shave routine. These are the things you should use to guide you.

    Finally, there is the search for perfection or the infamous BBS shave. Some men can achieve this if all the afore mentioned factors are favorable, but most men cannot. Perfection is the best shave YOU can get and not some mythic absolute. Searching for perfection can take all the fun out of the experience. Find what works for you.
    The tale is doon, and God save al the rowte!

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    bluedivergary (12-05-2012)

  3. #22
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    Boy, thanks mat. I am enjoying the process, but I'm sure you understand what a big mind frame shift it is to go from "hurry up and get it done", to "enjoy the zen of the whole thing".... I'm just going to work my way through the stack of blades I have and see what happens in the end. I may even decide to go straight razor at that time. I'm fortunate in that I have relatively flat skin.

    Though one thing I notice, is that as I gain and lose weight in my face the shaving protocol changes. At one point I'm almost shaving a bowling ball. Boy is that easy!!! Then I lose weight and suddenly my jaw line and adams apple are issues.

    This isn't new, I've noticed this for the past several years with cartridge razors and electric.

    It's all part of the fun.

  4. #23
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    The transformation from tightwad to true wet shaver has begun! Derby to feather, the extremes in DE shaving....when I have some time (in case of cuts), I use a feather, when out of time, I use the Derby. If I can perfect the feather cut all the time, I will sell my stockpile of derbies. I moved to straights so, now when I have time, I devote it to straight shaving....the speak around the forums in general is 100 straight shaves to perfect the straight razor so I have about 75 or so to go.....this takes away from my feather mastering. I think the derbies will be around for awhile.

    Wise choice on finding a good soap, the fun, or challenge will be finding one that suits you the best. After going through the expensive ones, i found myself leaning towards two..dare I say them for fear of changing the forum has woof fat in the name and the other one has Arko in the name =}

    Just saying!

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