Price of a straight shave?
I recently was over a a friends house who was packing his gear for a trip overseas. While talking another friend he notices the strop and asks about it. As we begin explaining the virtues of str8 shaving he begins to "play" with the razor and attempts to strop as he had seen on tv. Wll he cut my buddies strop in half. So in a panicked rush he sends me to The Art of Shaving to pick him up another strop. Well to say I was shocked is an understament. A 18" Dovo strop was $60. They also offered shaves at the location I was at by appointment and walk-n. They were charging $35 for a shave. Now I have been living in and around NY all my life and have become somewhat desensitized to high prices, but this really seemed high to me for some reason. So my question to the group is:
What does a str8 shave cost where you live?