I've been shaving with my straight razor for about a week now and am still struggling with my chin and a little bit with the neck under the jaw.
On the chin I have a real difficult time getting the razor to cut - it seems like it gets caught in the stubble. If I flatten it out it seems like it skims over them without cutting them. Haven had any better result trying to shave this area across or against the grain. I am using a 6/8 Dovo special full hollow and have a pretty coarse beard growth.
Under the jaw I haven't found a way to do a good across the grain pass. I can shave straight down and straight up without much issue, but my hair growth here is kind of sideways and I can still feel stubble when I run my hand against the growth after the shave.
Using 3 passes and cheeks and rest of face are very smooth.
Appreciate any tips and advice or pointing me to other discussions on this topic.