Picked these soaps up locally at Winners for $4.00 CAD each. Palm lathered the Royal Orange scented one. Lathered quickly giving a nice rich slick as snot lather. Will try it out next shave.
Attachment 295439
Attachment 295440
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Picked these soaps up locally at Winners for $4.00 CAD each. Palm lathered the Royal Orange scented one. Lathered quickly giving a nice rich slick as snot lather. Will try it out next shave.
Attachment 295439
Attachment 295440
Congratulations, Bob. How are the scents? Are they synthetic or more of a natural aroma?
Sorry, you picked the wrong guy to asked that question of. With scents I either like them or do not and these two scents I do like. I also think they hit a good balance between being non existent and over powering. That is the best I can do for you in that department.
OK, just had a very early morning shave using the Van Der Lovett shave soap. All I can say is it performed very well as the earlier palm test lather had indicated it would. Quite pleased with it and will use it more over the next few days.
At 4 euro shipped each in Europe, I can't not try these. Thanks for the find.
Keep in mind the pucks are 70 gram not the more usual 125 gram size.
Getting distributed via Winners must mean they are half decent - that you like it so well means they really are worthy of giving a shot. I love that they are small pucks!
Thanks for the review. Next time I’m in “The Great White North,” i’ll pick one up!
The problem with Winners/Marshalls is that you never know what they will have in stock at any one time in any store. I do not know where they get their inventory from but suspect it is from over stock in other stores or bankruptcy stock buys. Sometimes you get lucky but most times no wrt wet shaving gear.
Found this at Badger and Blade.