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  1. #1
    "Dancing on the edge..."
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Szeged, Hungary
    Thanked: 10

    Question First 2 set of scales

    The whole rescale project started with some bad scale rot on one of the str8s I got from Viktor for free - along with the Norton 4k/8k. Thanks Viktor!


    I decided to take it easy on my first set of scales and simply copy the originals. I used some oak or beech - I cannot remember exactly which - wood (3x50x1000 mm cut to proper size), used some 60 grit sandpaper to get the shape even and smoothened it with 150, 240, 400, 800 and 1500 grit sandpaper. Then I put on about 4 layers of some bee wax based leather conditioner that supposed to be good for natural wood too - I use it to impregnate my boots.

    My question is: how shall I finish the sealing of the scales?
    I was thinking about using some pure bee wax; rubbing it on the scales, then melting it with a hairdryer for a couple of times, and wiping off the excess. How does that sound? Any suggestions?


    And then I just couldn't resist to make another set for a "naked" blade. Used the same wood, but decided to put some colour on. I used some leftover mahogany dye (about 4 coats), because I just love that colour.
    I am thinking about sealing this one off differently - after some sanding, in order to get that smooth surface (roughed by dying) back . What do you gents recommend? In case I decide to use varnish, how many coats shall I apply?
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  2. #2
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Burke, VA USA
    Thanked: 110


    Nice job! Lots of folks seal their blades with a number of coats of CA (essentially superglue). Others use a more natural sealer such as tung oil.

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