Something special, asking for advice
Hi fellows,
I've been visiting my grandfather this afternoon. He's weak now (92 years old), but he still keeps a damn clear head. I love and admire him since I was child.
We were chatting for a while, and then I told him about my recent straight razor sickness. He told me some histories about the old day's barbers, "there were many bad barbers, I remember one who made you jump in the chair with every pass..."
Then he said, "i've got something for you", spent a while searching in some drawers, and came to me dissapointed. "I've found it but it's useless... it's rusted"
He put in my hands a Nš 6 Joseph Rodgers and Sons. It's rusted, but it doesn't look that bad.
"Don't worry, I know some guys who can make wonders with a rusted razor, let it to me"
Here, some pics, click to enlarge (and click again to enlarge even more):
I would love to return him a beauty and shiny razor, so he can shave with it again if he wants, or keep it for myself as a legacy. I'm still a newbie with all this straights stuff, so maybe I should send it to some of the skilled guys here for restoring, but I would love to restore it by myself. But I don't have any experience at all, I don't have any power tools either.
Give me some pointers, please. What do you think? Would it be possible to remove the rust? What do I need? I've got some sanding papers from P240 up to P800, couldn't find anything finer than that.
And please, tell me something about this razor. It looks like a good razor, and I think it must be quite old.