Hey all,

So I have a boker razor that I assume used to be a 5/8", but is now a 4/8". I got it used a while ago, has a LOT of spine wear, and had been breadknifed. I could cut myself at all if I tried (and I tried!). I decided to try and get an edge on it. Without using tape the bevel became too wide, and upon closer inspection was very brittle and prone to micro-chipping. So I had to add tape. I ended up needing 4 layers of tape to get a narrow, sharp, and sturdy looking bevel. I shaved with it tonight, not the smoothest, but it was quite fine and shave-ready. I stropped it after I honed still leaving the tape off, but it's off now.

This isn't a razor that I plan to use regularly or anything, since I have great razors that I use daily. This was more of a challenge to get one heck of a worn and dull razor sharp. (which worked )

I know adding 1 layer of tape doesn't affect the angle that much, and the slack/give of the strop is enough to account for the angle difference. But does that still apply when 4 layers of tape where used to create the bevel?

Thanks for the replies!