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Thread: Abrasive Grit Comparison Sheet

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  1. #1
    Picky Bastd Smokintbird's Avatar
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    May 2009
    Austell, GA
    Thanked: 36

    Default Abrasive Grit Comparison Sheet

    I have spent a fair few years trying to compile a list of grit comparisons for my own uses: shaping, smoothing and polishing rocks, metals, plastics and wood; and sharpening everything from milling bits and lathe cutters to planes, knives and razors.

    I have taken GREAT pains to make sure that any information listed has it's validity backed up by as reliable a reference as is possible, typically by a major manufacturer with reliable reputation, since the standardization entities themselves are decidedly loose in their determinations of compliance. I know there will be a few of the less reliable manufacturers that will use slightly different tolerances, but when dealing with those companies, you can expect a bit less accuracy since the cheaper price you pay does not cover reliable quality control.

    Recently Olivia forwarded a list to me that had some very good information and I was able to track it back to one of it's points of origin and have added some excellent tolerance info relating to the FEPA grit ratings that I had not been able to find without her help......Thank you Olivia!

    If you have something to add or find a discrepancy in the provided information, PLEASE let me know so that I can correct it as soon as possible and prevent the dissemination of inaccurate information.....We ALL know that there is ENTIRELY TOO MUCH wrong information being passed off as correct. Personally I am a close tolerance kinda guy and find few things more infuriating than laboring under the assumption that you are doing things correctly only to find out later that your time has been wasted due to bad information.

    Now that my rant is done, I hope everyone finds this information useful.

    Feel FREE to post this on any other forum or pass it around as you see fit so long as no money changes hands.....Information Should Be FREE!
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  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Smokintbird For This Useful Post:

    FTG (08-07-2009), jendeindustries (08-07-2009), JimmyHAD (08-07-2009), JimR (08-07-2009), Kingfish (08-07-2009), Lesslemming (09-01-2009), matt321 (08-07-2009), mattluthier (08-06-2009), PaddyX21 (08-10-2011)

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