I saw the "eBay Names" sticky that was locked and have occasionally seen someone linking their auctions here and so was not really sure what to do. I actually don't know how to search for username alone on eBay and in the few minutes of just trying couldn't come up with it but I'm sure it's possible. Is there another archive members can add their eBay/Etsy/Whatever names to?

I've got a few razors and a couple other shaving-related things up so thought I'd link this one:

Straight Razor Genco "Easy Aces" 5 8" Square Point Shave Ready | eBay

.. and see where things go.

Apologies if this is not cool. Mods, just let me know if so and edit out or request that I edit out the hyperlink but please leave the thread live so I can get the resultant information.

I think it would be useful to have a reference of usernames for people who sell in other places but haven't seen anything like that here yet... Aside from the locked Sticky at the top:


What about listing eBay/other Usernames in Sig Lines? And, finally, I linked SRP in my eBay auctions as I could not think of a reason that would be bad but now am having second thoughts... Same as above, if not cool, please just let me know and I will correct at the absolute earliest convenience.

Thanks as always for any and all information/assistance!

88cadwesm - eBay
Butthead- Wife's Pet Name