@ Walt... The short answer is I'm an intuitive/impatient clicker just clicking quickly until I get a result that works. I did poke around a bit and every time I clicked from inside my Account it gave a list similar to yours but it was all text and no thumbnails/pics. Your link is definitely better so I will keep working on that. Thanks for the heads-up!

@ lz6... Duly noted. I don't know if we should hash it all out in this Thread but if either you or Pixelfixed wouldn't mind shooting me a PM to give me a bit more detail/information on your opinion I'd certainly take into consideration anything either of you have to say. This is just a step in my process and I hope not to make it an annoying thing at all as I figure I can leap-frog posting stuff Classifieds here then sell then lockout and during the lockout here post on eBay, etc, etc. If this turns out to be something more consistent and workable I will absolutely get that Vendor Badge but I'm sure that would involve getting a website and all the details involved with that. And, I'm just not quite there yet.

I've gone through a similar route when I was building Golf Clubs... Learned Online, bought the tools, bought the parts, built my set (awesome), built my wife's set (even more awesome), built some for family then got business cards/logo and started to market a bit, did a handful of jobs and then the market simply fell apart... So, now I've got all the skill and some particular/specific technique to the way I build/set-up and there is no further for me to go as I'll never have large enough capital to do anything big and the large manufacturers are simply too dominant in the marketplace but moreso in marketing.

So, just trying to take baby steps... One at a time.

Thanks for all the information/opinions... I definitely listen!
