Wow - I remember seeing those and thinking, probably a load of chipped and cracked blades!
That's quite a score you got there...all beautiful blades with some great names...you basically got an awesome collection of great vintage razors with one buy!!!
You sir, as Julius Caesar said when he conferred honors on someone, "should have the Trumpets sounded and a pavilion built", for your success!!
RBaker: Thats pretty much what I was thinking. Going to have to sit down an figure what I want/need to do to them. 2 of the W&B would require minimal cleaning and and honing. As for the rest of the lot there is some scale delaminating and a bit of cracking. Thinking maybe som CA glue to stabalize and a good soak in neatsfoot oil to rehydrate.
The Joseph Rodgers and Sons will probably be cleaned up a little, but thats about it. It's an older blade that has earned the patina.
As for the W.C. ???TON CELEBRATED RAZOR, I may hold off a bit on a decision. Maybe send it out to be restored. Heck, there is no hurry for any of these blades. The only thing I am going to do for sure is make sure they are really dry, oil em up, and put them in a safe spot with some desicant packets.
If I were going to clean any of them my first step would be 0000 steel wool and some Maas. See how that goes first. Those might be original pins and washers. If no active rust on tang it would be a shame to unpin them. You can always go more aggressive if need be but can never make an original again.
Fully agree with the starting minimal and the pins at least look original on the stacked washers. I may never know for sure, but I would lean that way.
Even that big rusty wedge isn't that bad it probably won't be 1" after you're done with it, maybe 15/16" or less. But the rest look really great!
Great collection! Only one bid and total of RAD...therefore worth was excited! :D
My favorite the W. C. straight. Very old looking. Graceful yet big, pleasing combination!
I think the one is John Shaw, it probably says "set ready for use"
You rolled the dice and came out on top, that's for sure!
one of the most surprising things to me is that the horn seems to be in very good condition on most all of them. Many old sheffields i've purchased have big time cracks at the wedge.
Yea, that Shaw is sweet! and I bet it shaves better than the W&B
Ya takes ya chances, and you won the lottery this time. :beer1:
Very well done!
I found one like the WC? razor locally, but in original horn...but also ground badly out on the front end. I may go back and get it-it was priced right, I just had a sick feeling seeing the work that it'd take putting it back into service. That chipped edge you bought looks quite fixable to me. Best of luck.
Don't forget your pals here if you choose to liberate some that don't "fit" your collection.
it's in the rules :deal: ;)
You will be seeing at least one of them coming back to SRP in the near(ish) future.