I was going to bid on a razor this evening but the seller would not forgo the Global shipping rip off despite my telling him there are no duties to be paid on razors from the US to Canada and almost never are assessed tax. I did place a bid but reduced my max by what the Pitney Bowes profiteering fee might be (at the auction it was listed as $10 on a $30 dollar item or 33%). I don't know what magic they use to make up estimates of fictitious fees but that's what I used. I was out bid by one other buyer so we'll never know how high it might have gone if I had used the full amount I was willing to pay.
What I was wondering if it's worth it to point out to the seller that the money I set aside to pay Pitney was money (potentially) out of his pocket? I was outbid automatically so I'd have to admit it could have been as little as a dollar but if the other bidder was as keen as I, another 33%.