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Thread: Thoughts on oil covered bricks?

  1. #21
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    Really Tim???

    The guy intentionally misrepresented what he was selling. I'd say HE sucks. Maybe you should look in the mirror also

    I will have to look this over again

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    You at this point. How can you say the buyers suck when he was clearly trying to defraud by slipping one by on someone unsuspecting. There was a chip on one side which he hid. There were stamps that day Norton India Oilstone which he clearly saw since he used it as part of his description . Otherwise he would most likely have called it an "oil stone." I'm doing you a service by pointing it out so you watch out for him. YOU'RE WELCOME!
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  3. #23
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    You at this point. How can you say the buyers suck when he was clearly trying to defraud by slipping one by on someone unsuspecting. There was a chip on one side which he hid. There were stamps that day Norton India Oilstone which he clearly saw since he used it as part of his description . Otherwise he would most likely have called it an "oil stone." I'm doing you a service by pointing it out so you watch out for him. YOU'RE WELCOME!
    How do you see this and what do you see? What do you think you see?

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Look, I'm not going to dog the guy. I took a chance and I know that. If he comps my shipping I'll be happy. He knows he tried to pass it off. Otherwise why would he offer a discount? I pointed it out and told him he should have given pics of that. "Maybe keep that in mind for the future," is what I told him.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    How do you see this and what do you see? What do you think you see?
    Look at the marks on the stone; the scrapes in the mud on the top. All the pics are of the same side of the stone. There's a chip on the other side which is stilluddy but clearly shows the grit of the India stone. The first thing I saw when I unwrapped it was the stamps. They were clearly visible. If you knew enough to call it a "natural" then you would know enough to look at the stamps...even if you didn't you would probably try to see what they said. I know I would. I just realized something else. How could a natural stone be "patented?"
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    We agreed to a discount equal to the shipping. His communication was very good and he tells me that he "took someone's word for it," selling for someone else. It sounds like they took the pictures too.That makes sense as there was no other stones or other razor or knife stuff in his other items. Also the description sounded like it was written by someone who knew stones and what buyers would be looking for. That seemed like it was a contradiction sense he didn't seem to.

    I will give him this, his customer service was good and that didn't make sense that he would BS an item. Maybe I should have just eaten it and I might have had he told me he was selling it for someone else before we negotiated and he made the refund. I'm not a total jack wagon. I know buying is a risk. I just don't like being defrauded.

    Edit: in case it doesn't go without saying I'll give him a good review. He has 100% positive and I think he should keep it that way.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 02-08-2023 at 03:19 AM.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  7. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    U would think if your that interested, you could have asked the seller for additional pics of the item of interest. If then their not willing....RUN.!

    Same in my line of work. Guy buys a boat from private seller, then brings it to us, just to find out the motor is junk, or the transom or floor is rotten, costing three to four times more than the boat is worth in repairs.

    If they would have asked the seller to take it to a shop for verification of a safe, good running vessel, first off. It'd only cost ya $150, instead of the $2500 you gave for the only thing good left in the boat..a anchor oh.! Not to mention the $150 u paid me to tell you its junk.

    If the guy says no, or won't take it to the lake, RUN.!!
    Last edited by outback; 02-08-2023 at 04:11 AM.
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  8. #28
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Come see, come saw comes to mind!
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  9. #29
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I bought an oily black stone once. In a nice wooden box. Learned my lesson!
    Was an india after cleaning. I think I gave it to Shaun?
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  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Yes I could have asked more questions. He wouldn't have had the answers but maybe that would have been a tip. He had plenty of pictures. It took some really close examination to see they were all from the same side. That's on me though I guess. That still doesn't excuse whoever gave the description and took the pictures from from trying to defraud. That's why they have buyers protection and ratings. If you're concerned about the seller or just figure I was duped and deserve what I got, I still took a bath on a stone that wasn't what I hoped and wasn't what the called it. Remember he called it a natural In his description.

    Point taken. Trust me, I'm aware I took a chance and it wasn't successful. That's kind of the whole point I was making.
    outback likes this.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

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