Hi guys!

I recently bought a razor on eBay and didn't do my due diligence. The listing said it was in "usable condition" with a "good edge," the listing picture looked reasonable, and time was short, so I went for it.

It arrived, and I am underwhelmed to say the least. The entire edge is corroded, and I fear it may not be salvagable without a regrind.

Now, it wasn't particularly expensive, but I'm still pretty choked; I thought I was getting something "usable" and got a corroded mess. I've still got time to file a claim with Paypal, but I have never had to do so before. I have attempted to contact the seller, but after a week I have had no answer. Oddly enough, the seller had great feedback, and it looks like he's sold a number of straights in the past.

What would you guys do?

EDIT: Oh, and sorry for the shoddy picture; clearly the seller was better at using pictures to his advantage. It's a Torrey razor--my first Torrey.