Another to good to be true?

There is a vintage razor hone for sell that has PERFECT labels. These lables are so perfect that it is starting to make me wonder about the authenticity of the stone. These particular labels are what make the price so high.

The seller also only has 7 transactions under his belt so feed back would be unless in this case. The seller is also from Europe.

This label looks like it is brand new. No darkening of the paper, nics, cuts, torns, whatever. The label is so new looking that I'm having a hard time getting past. I have to think it's fake. The label does contain the correct information. I'd imagine it would be difficult to make a new label to put on the stone. stone itself also looks good. It would been a stone that has had minimal use throughout the years.

Are there such tings as NOS natural stones? Anyone...seemed wayyyyy fishy to me. Am I being paranoid?

Any other thoughts?