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Thread: No Mo Email! Important
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09-29-2011, 02:08 AM #1
No Mo Email! Important
It seems that fleabay, in it's infinitely greedy reasoning, will pull all listings on Oct the 1st with an email address,clickable, or not as well as phone numbers. They will electronically monitor all messaging for email addy's and phone #s. I got a phone call today and, after looking at caller ID. decided to let the machine have it. Live person telling me to pretty much cease and desist! I don't know about the rest of you, but I have sold a guy a razor (one) in Alaska, and we are almost daily email buddies! A year later! I just resolved an "out of stock" situation after doing a BIN using email for pics and an alternative solution. I urge all SRP members, moderators, and owners to contact mebay and give them the whatfor. I know why they are doing it, of course. It's all about money, but it is gonna bite them in the butt! Community WAS what they used to be about, but they are afraid someone will make dough without their fingers in it! Sad! They make TONS! ..get it on..Tom
"Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
I rest my case.